958 resultados para Genetic and epigenetic alterations


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Colorectal cancer is one of the three most common cancers today, for both men and women. Approximately 90% of the cases are sporadic while the remaining 10% is hereditary. Among this 10% is hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), an autosomal dominant disease, accounting for up to 13% of these cases. HNPCC is associated with germline mutations in four mismatch repair (MMR) genes, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2, and is characterized by a familial accumulation of endometrial, gastric, urological, and ovarian tumors, in addition to colorectal cancer. An important etiological characteristic of HNPCC is the presence of microsatellite instability (MSI), caused by mutations of the MMR genes. Approximately 15% of sporadic cases share the MSI+ trait. Colon cancer is believed to be a consequence of an accumulation of mutations in tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes, eventually resulting in tumor development. This phenomena is accelerated in HNPCC due the presence of an inherited mutation in the MMR genes, accounting for one of the two hits proposed to be needed by Knudson (1971) in order for the manifestation of the MSI phenotype. MMR alterations alone, however, do not occur in the majority of sporadic colon cancers, prompting searches for other mechanisms. One such mechanism found to play a role in colon cancer development was DNA methylation, which is known to play a role in MLH1 inactivation. Our objective was clarification of mechanisms associated with tumor development in both HNPCC and sporadic colorectal cancer in relation to tumorigenic mechanisms. Of particular interest were underlying mechanisms of MSI in sporadic colorectal cancers, with attention to DNA methylation changes and their correlation to MSI. Of additional interest were the genetic and epigenetic events leading to the HNPCC tumor spectrum, chiefly colon and endometrial cancers, in regards to what extent the somatic changes in target tissue explained this phenomenon. We made a number of important findings pertaining to these questions. First, MSI tumor development differs epigenetically from stable tumor development, possibly underlying developmental pathway differences. Additionally, while epigenetic modification, principally DNA methylation, is a major mechanism in sporadic MSI colorectal cancer MLH1 inactivation it does not play a significant role in HNPCC tumors with germline MLH1 mutations. This is possibly an explanation for tumorigenic pathways and clinicopathological characteristic differences between sporadic and hereditary MSI colorectal cancers. Finally, despite indistinguishable genetic predisposition for endometrial and colorectal cancers, instability profiles highlighting organ-specific differences, may be important HNPCC tumor spectrum determinants.


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Individuals with inherited deficiency in DNA mismatch repair(MMR) (Lynch syndrome) LS are predisposed to different cancers in a non-random fashion. Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common extracolonic malignancy in LS. LS represents the best characterized form of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal carcinoma (HNPCC). Other forms of familial non-polyposis colon cancer exist, including familial colorectal cancer type X (FCCX). This syndrome resembles LS, but MMR gene defects are excluded and the predisposition genes are unknown so far. To address why different organs are differently susceptible to cancer development, we examined molecular similarities and differences in selected cancers whose frequency varies in LS individuals. Tumors that are common (colorectal, endometrial, gastric) and less common (brain, urological) in LS were characterized for MMR protein expression, microsatellite instability (MSI), and by altered DNA methylation. We also studied samples of histologically normal endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia,and cancer for molecular alterations to identify potential markers that could predict malignant transformation in LS and sporadic cases. Our results suggest that brain and kidney tumors follow a different pathway for cancer development than the most common LS related cancers.Our results suggest also that MMR defects are detectable in endometrial tissues from a proportion of LS mutation carriers prior to endometrial cancer development. Traditionally (complex) atypical hyperplasia has been considered critical for progression to malignancy. Our results suggest that complex hyperplasia without atypia is equally important as a precursor lesion of malignancy. Tumor profiles from Egypt were compared with colorectal tumors from Finland to evaluate if there are differences specific to the ethnic origin (East vs.West). Results showed for the first time a distinct genetic and epigenetic signature in the Egyptian CRC marked by high methylation of microsatellite stable tumors associated with advanced stage, and low frequency of Wnt signaling activation, suggesting a novel pathway. DNA samples from FCCX families were studied with genome wide linkage analysis using microsatellite markers. Selected genes from the linked areas were tested for possible mutations that could explain predisposition to a large number of colon adenomas and carcinomas seen in these families. Based on the results from the linkage analysis, a number of areas with tentative linkage were identified in family 20. We narrowed down these areas by additional microsatellite markers to found a mutation in the BMPR1A gene. Sequencing of an additional 17 FCCX families resulted in a BMPR1A mutation frequency of 2/18 families (11%). Clarification of the mechanisms of the differential tumor susceptibility in LS increases the understanding of gene and organ specific targets of MMR deficiency. While it is generally accepted that widespread MMR deficiency and consequent microsatellite instability (MSI) drives tumorigenesis in LS, the timing of molecular alterations is controversial. In particular, it is important to know that alterations may occur several years before cancer formation, at stages that are still histologically regarded as normal. Identification of molecular markers that could predict the risk of malignant transformation may be used to improve surveillance and cancer prevention in genetically predisposed individuals. Significant fractions of families with colorectal and/or endometrial cancer presently lack molecular definition altogether. Our findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BMPR1A mutations and, for the first time, link FCCX families to the germline mutation of a specific gene. In particular, our observations encourage screening of additional families with FCCX for BMPR1A mutation, which is necessary in obtaining a reliable estimate of the share of BMPR1A-associated cases among all FCCX families worldwide. Clinically, the identification of predisposing mutations enables targeted cancer prevention in proven mutation carriers and thereby reduces cancer morbidity and mortality in the respective families.


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The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene codes for the MTHFR enzyme which plays a key role in the pathway of folate and methionine metabolism. Polymorphisms of genes in this pathway affect its regulation and have been linked to lymphoma. In this study we examined whether we could detect an association between two common non-synonomous MTHFR polymorphisms, 677C>T (rs1801133) and 1298A>C (rs1801131), and susceptibility to non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in an Australian case-control cohort. We found no significant differences between genotype or allele frequencies for either polymorphisms between lymphoma cases and controls. We also explored whether epigenetic modification of MTHFR, specifically DNA methylation of a CpG island in the MTHFR promoter region, is associated with NHL using blood samples from patients. No difference in methylation levels was detected between the case and control samples suggesting that although hypermethylation of MTHFR has been reported in tumour tissues, particularly in the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtype of NHL, methylation of this MTHFR promoter CpG island is not a suitable epigenetic biomarker for NHL diagnosis or prognosis in peripheral blood samples. Further studies into epigenetic variants could focus on genes that are robustly associated with NHL susceptibility.


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Diabetes is increasing at daunting rates worldwide, and approximately 40% of affected individuals will develop kidney complications. Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease, and there are significant healthcare costs providing appropriate renal replacement therapies to affected individuals. For several decades, investigators have sought to discover inherited risk factors and biomarkers for DKD. In recent years, advances in high-throughput laboratory techniques and computational analyses, coupled with the establishment of multicenter consortia, have helped to identify genetic loci that are replicated across multiple populations. Several genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been conducted for DKD with further meta-analysis of GWAS and comprehensive ”single gene” meta-analyses now published. Despite these efforts, much of the inherited predisposition to DKD remains unexplained. Meta-analyses and integrated–omics pathway studies are being used to help elucidate underlying genetic risks. Epigenetic phenomena are increasingly recognized as important drivers of disease risk, and several epigenome-wide association studies have now been completed. This review describes key findings and ongoing genetic and epigenetic initiatives for DKD.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become a serious public health problem because of its associated morbidity, premature mortality and attendant healthcare costs. The rising number of persons with CKD is linked with ageing population structure and an increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension and obesity. There is an inherited risk associated with developing CKD as evidenced by familial clustering and differing prevalence rates across ethnic groups. Earlier studies to determine the inherited risk factors for CKD rarely identified genetic variants that were robustly replicated. However, improvements in genotyping technologies and analytical methods are now helping to identify promising genetic loci aided by international collaboration and multi-consortia efforts. More recently, epigenetic modifications have been proposed to play a role in both the inherited susceptibility to CKD and, importantly, to explain how the environment dynamically interacts with the genome to alter an individual's disease risk. Genome-wide, epigenome-wide and whole transcriptome studies have been performed and optimal approaches for integrative analysis are being developed. This review summarises recent research and the current status of genetic and epigenetic risk factors influencing CKD using population-based information.


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Relatively little is known about the timing of genetic and epigenetic forms of somaclonal variation arising from callus growth. We surveyed for both types of change in cocoa (Theobroma cacao) plants regenerated from calli of various ages, and also between tissues from the source trees. For genetic change, we used 15 single sequence repeat (SSR) markers from four source trees and from 233 regenerated plants. For epigenetic change, we used 386 methylation-sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) markers on leaf and explant (staminode) DNA from two source trees and on leaf DNA from 114 regenerants. Genetic variation within source trees was limited to one slippage mutation in one leaf. Regenerants were far more variable, with 35% exhibiting at least one mutation. Genetic variation initially accumulated with culture age but subsequently declined. MSAP (epigenetic) profiles diverged between leaf and staminode samples from source trees. Multivariate analysis revealed that leaves from regenerants occupied intermediate eigenspace between leaves and staminodes of source plants but became progressively more similar to source tree leaves with culture age. Statistical analysis confirmed this rather counterintuitive finding that leaves of ‘late regenerants’ exhibited significantly less genetic and epigenetic divergence from source leaves than those exposed to short periods of callus growth.


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In this study the importance of epigenetic control of the NET gene was demonstrated using mouse and human tissues. Differences in the state of the NET gene were identified between healthy individuals and patients with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), potentially leading to new treatment possibilities.


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This work investigated the effects of increasing temperature from 30 degrees C to 47 degrees C on the physiological and genetic characteristics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 63M after continuous fermentation with cell recycling in a system of five reactors in series. Steady state was attained at 30 degrees C, and then the temperature of the system was raised so it ranged from 35 degrees C in the last reactor to 43 degrees C in the first reactor or feeding reactor with a 2 degrees C difference between reactors. After 15 days at steady state, the temperature was raised from 37 degrees C to 45 degrees C for 25 days at steady state, then from 39 degrees C to 47 degrees C for 20 days at steady state. Starter strain 63M was a hybrid strain constructed to have a MAT a/alpha, LYS/lys, URA/ura genotype. This hybrid yeast showed vigorous growth on plates at 40 degrees C, weak growth at 41 degrees C, positive assimilation of melibiose, positive fermentation of galactose, raffinose and sucrose. of 156 isolates obtained from this system at the end of the fermentation process, only 17.3% showed the same characteristics as starter strain 63M. Alterations in mating type reaction and in utilization of raffinose, melibiose, and sucrose were identified. Only 1.9% of the isolates lost the ability to grow at 40 degrees C. Isolates showing requirements for lysine and uracil were also obtained. In addition, cell survival was observed at 39-47 degrees C, but no isolates showing growth above 41 degrees C were obtained.


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Welche genetische Unterschiede machen uns verschieden von unseren nächsten Verwandten, den Schimpansen, und andererseits so ähnlich zu den Schimpansen? Was wir untersuchen und auch verstehen wollen, ist die komplexe Beziehung zwischen den multiplen genetischen und epigenetischen Unterschieden, deren Interaktion mit diversen Umwelt- und Kulturfaktoren in den beobachteten phänotypischen Unterschieden resultieren. Um aufzuklären, ob chromosomale Rearrangements zur Divergenz zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse beigetragen haben und welche selektiven Kräfte ihre Evolution geprägt haben, habe ich die kodierenden Sequenzen von 2 Mb umfassenden, die perizentrischen Inversionsbruchpunkte flankierenden Regionen auf den Chromosomen 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 17 und 18 untersucht. Als Kontrolle dienten dabei 4 Mb umfassende kollineare Regionen auf den rearrangierten Chromosomen, welche mindestens 10 Mb von den Bruchpunktregionen entfernt lagen. Dabei konnte ich in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollregionen keine höhere Proteinevolutionsrate feststellen. Meine Ergebnisse unterstützen nicht die chromosomale Speziationshypothese für Mensch und Schimpanse, da der Anteil der positiv selektierten Gene (5,1% in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen und 7% in den Kontrollregionen) in beiden Regionen ähnlich war. Durch den Vergleich der Anzahl der positiv und negativ selektierten Gene per Chromosom konnte ich feststellen, dass Chromosom 9 die meisten und Chromosom 5 die wenigsten positiv selektierten Gene in den Bruchpunkt flankierenden Regionen und Kontrollregionen enthalten. Die Anzahl der negativ selektierten Gene (68) war dabei viel höher als die Anzahl der positiv selektierten Gene (17). Eine bioinformatische Analyse von publizierten Microarray-Expressionsdaten (Affymetrix Chip U95 und U133v2) ergab 31 Gene, die zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse differentiell exprimiert sind. Durch Untersuchung des dN/dS-Verhältnisses dieser 31 Gene konnte ich 7 Gene als negativ selektiert und nur 1 Gen als positiv selektiert identifizieren. Dieser Befund steht im Einklang mit dem Konzept, dass Genexpressionslevel unter stabilisierender Selektion evolvieren. Die meisten positiv selektierten Gene spielen überdies eine Rolle bei der Fortpflanzung. Viele dieser Speziesunterschiede resultieren eher aus Änderungen in der Genregulation als aus strukturellen Änderungen der Genprodukte. Man nimmt an, dass die meisten Unterschiede in der Genregulation sich auf transkriptioneller Ebene manifestieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Unterschiede in der DNA-Methylierung zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse untersucht. Dazu wurden die Methylierungsmuster der Promotor-CpG-Inseln von 12 Genen im Cortex von Menschen und Schimpansen mittels klassischer Bisulfit-Sequenzierung und Bisulfit-Pyrosequenzierung analysiert. Die Kandidatengene wurden wegen ihrer differentiellen Expressionsmuster zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse sowie wegen Ihrer Assoziation mit menschlichen Krankheiten oder dem genomischen Imprinting ausgewählt. Mit Ausnahme einiger individueller Positionen zeigte die Mehrzahl der analysierten Gene keine hohe intra- oder interspezifische Variation der DNA-Methylierung zwischen den beiden Spezies. Nur bei einem Gen, CCRK, waren deutliche intraspezifische und interspezifische Unterschiede im Grad der DNA-Methylierung festzustellen. Die differentiell methylierten CpG-Positionen lagen innerhalb eines repetitiven Alu-Sg1-Elements. Die Untersuchung des CCRK-Gens liefert eine umfassende Analyse der intra- und interspezifischen Variabilität der DNA-Methylierung einer Alu-Insertion in eine regulatorische Region. Die beobachteten Speziesunterschiede deuten darauf hin, dass die Methylierungsmuster des CCRK-Gens wahrscheinlich in Adaption an spezifische Anforderungen zur Feinabstimmung der CCRK-Regulation unter positiver Selektion evolvieren. Der Promotor des CCRK-Gens ist anfällig für epigenetische Modifikationen durch DNA-Methylierung, welche zu komplexen Transkriptionsmustern führen können. Durch ihre genomische Mobilität, ihren hohen CpG-Anteil und ihren Einfluss auf die Genexpression sind Alu-Insertionen exzellente Kandidaten für die Förderung von Veränderungen während der Entwicklungsregulation von Primatengenen. Der Vergleich der intra- und interspezifischen Methylierung von spezifischen Alu-Insertionen in anderen Genen und Geweben stellt eine erfolgversprechende Strategie dar.


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During the development of the somatic genome from the Paramecium germline genome the bulk of the copies of ∼45 000 unique, internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are deleted. IES targeting is facilitated by two small RNA (sRNA) classes: scnRNAs, which relay epigenetic information from the parental nucleus to the developing nucleus, and iesRNAs, which are produced and used in the developing nucleus. Why only certain IESs require sRNAs for their removal has been enigmatic. By analyzing the silencing effects of three genes: PGM (responsible for DNA excision), DCL2/3 (scnRNA production) and DCL5 (iesRNA production), we identify key properties required for IES elimination. Based on these results, we propose that, depending on the exact combination of their lengths and end bases, some IESs are less efficiently recognized or excised and have a greater requirement for targeting by scnRNAs and iesRNAs. We suggest that the variation in IES retention following silencing of DCL2/3 is not primarily due to scnRNA density, which is comparatively uniform relative to IES retention, but rather the genetic properties of IESs. Taken together, our analyses demonstrate that in Paramecium the underlying genetic properties of developmentally deleted DNA sequences are essential in determining the sensitivity of these sequences to epigenetic control.